The USSF grew out of the World Social Forum, another annual meeting which brings together NGOs, activists, and committed citizens from around the globe to work on issues related to poverty reduction, human rights, and global justice. The firstWSF was held in 2001 in Porto Alegre, Brazil and has convened every year since.
Amnesty International is committed to social justice-- particularly through its "Demand Dignity" campaign, which appeared in response to the devastating economic crisis and recession of the last two years. This campaign seeks to highlight the need for economic and social rights, particularly the rights to health care, education, and a decent standard of living enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
It also calls upon the poor and underprivileged of the world to speak out for their rights-- to demand dignity as human beings. For this reason, the Amnesty Midwest office chose to attend the USSF and lend its voice to the call for social change.

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