On June 23rd, Troy Davis finally had his day in court. Davis has been on death row since 1991 for the murder of a police officer-- meaning he has spent nearly two decades of his life in prison and has faced numerous threats of execution.
Davis was convicted based on incredibly shaky witness testimony-- one witness only managed to remember the color of the T-shirt the perpetrator was wearing-- and many of the witnesses have, in the decades since the initial conviction, recanted their testimony. Yet Davis remained in prison as his case was taken up by activist groups around the world, including Amnesty International. Eventually his case reached the highest court in the nation-- the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court ordered a hearing-- an unusual move, but warranted given the extraordinary circumstances of the case and the fact that Davis may face death for crimes he did not commit. The results of the hearing are still unclear and Davis and his supporters may have to wait weeks to hear whether or not any change will be forthcoming.
We wish life, hope, and a bright future to Davis, his family, and all people around the world who are committed to justice, due process, and equality before the law.
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