The Iranian Government maintains what Amnesty has described as an "assembly line of execution"-- not an unfair characterization of a "justice" system in which a mother of two may face death for the crime of adultery.
Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani is accused of engaging in an "illicit relationship outside of marriage"-- for this, she was scheduled to be stoned to death. This horrifying procedure involves being buried up to one's waist and having heavy stones hurled at one's head until one dies. Stoning is one of the most cruel and painful methods of execution in the world, which is why many organizations committed to abolishing the death penalty give its abolition particular emphasis.
Thankfully, the international outcry from Amnesty and its allies in the human rights community prevented the execution from taking place. However, Ashtiani remains behind bars and the Iranian government is refusing to say what fate awaits her. We absolutely must keep the pressure on if we are to save this woman's life and ensure that her two children do not lose a mother.
Meanwhile, the Iranian government has plans to execute countless other individuals-- get it right, execution and capital punishment are inexcusable, whatever the means used.
Take action to save lives. Ensure that the Iranian government does not get away with its crimes. Stop the revolving door of death.
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