The Amnesty Midwest Regional office is hosting an event on Thursday in downtown Chicago to raise awareness about the human rights situation in Sri Lanka. The event will be held in Federal Plaza from 12-1PM and will include petitions and a membership drive.
Sri Lanka's decades-old civil war has finally come to an end, but the reign of terror and impunity has not. The perpetrators of much of the violence and abuse of the war years remain unpunished and accountability is far from being restored. Perhaps more importantly, Sri Lanka is home to 12,000 displaced persons who live in a horrifying, rights-free condition. They are subject to poverty, arbitrary arrest, and frequent unfounded accusations of involvement with the defeated LTTE (Tamil Tigers)-- the radical separatist group which fought the Sri Lankan government during the civil war.
Those within Sri Lanka who seek to draw attention to thse issues-- including journalists, writers, and couraeous iondividuals, often face detention and abuse for their willingness to speak out.
Help us bring these injustices to an end. Join us Thursday for a day of awareness and activism.

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