Thursday, March 31, 2011

Gaddafi’s Forces Are Carrying Out a Campaign of Disappearances Inside Libya to Crush Growing Opposition

Libyan forces loyal to Colonel Mu’ammar al-Gaddafi have carried out a campaign of enforced disappearances of government critics, writers, journalists, pro-democracy activists -- and even children -- to crush growing opposition to his rule, Amnesty International said today in a new briefing paper.

The report by an Amnesty International team inside Libya details more than 30 cases of individuals who have disappeared since before protests began, including political activists and those suspected of being rebel fighters or supporters of fighters.

The organization said there is every reason to believe, given the circumstances of the enforced disappearances, that these individuals are at serious risk of torture and ill-treatment. The documented cases are believed to represent only a small proportion of the total number of people who have been detained or have disappeared in the custody of Gaddafi’s forces in recent weeks.

The organization called for an immediate stop to this “outrageous” campaign in violation of international law. Malcolm Smart, director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa program, said: “It appears that there is a systematic policy to detain anyone suspected of opposition to Colonel al-Gaddafi’s rule, hold them incommunicado detention, and transfer them to his strongholds in western Libya.”

He warned that Colonel al-Gaddafi could be held responsible in an international court for any crimes committed by his forces during this conflict. “All those who are detained simply for peaceful activities in support of the protests must be released immediately and given safe passage home,” said Smart.

Amnesty International called on Colonel al-Gaddafi and those around him to allow immediate independent access to those detained in order to check on their safety and help protect them from torture, and to urgently inform their families of their whereabouts.

The organization also urged those holding detainees to ensure that all alleged or known fighters who are captured are treated humanely in line with international law, and to give them immediate access to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Gov. Quinn Signs Death Penalty Ban

A historic day for Illinois! Today Governor Quinn signed the ban on the death penalty into law! Read more about it here:

Good work everyone!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Come Join Amnesty as we collaborate with several area community and immigrant organizations, In an All Day Event, inspired by the Tahrir Square and subsequent protests in the Middle East. This event will take place on March 10th and runs from 12:00pm to 6:00pm in downtown Chicago. It will start with a gathering at Union Park, where teach-ins and workshops will be held and then followed by a march past Boeing headquarters and on to Daley Plaza for the Coming out of the Shadows (youth immigrant) Rally.

Here are links for more information on the event:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

International Women's Day Event

Amnesty International Chicago invites you to join us for our:
International Women’s Day Event
March 7, 6:00-8:00 PM.
University Center Conference Chicago
Loop/River Room 2nd Floor
525 S State Street, Chicago 60605

For this event, Amnesty International USA, Midwest Regional Office is partnering up with Oxfam and Chicago Fair Trade for this International Women's Day Event. Alisa Roadcup from the Amnesty International USA Women’s Rights Co-Group will speak on the panel with a speaker from each of the other two partner organizations.