On June 10th, fighting broke out in the Central Asian nation of Kyrgyzstan between rival ethnic gangs composed of Uzbek and Kyrgyz youths. The resulting violence spilled out into the major urban centers of Osh and Jalal-Abad, with Uzbek minorities taking the brunt of the damage. Arson, looting, and killings took place throughout Uzbek-dominated districts, and Amnesty experts are only now uncovering the full scale of the desturction.
We have the power to change this situation. Call for an impartial investigation into the violence and atrocities. Amnesty has uncovered many instances of law enforcement officers in Kygyzstan turning a blind eye to the violence, silencing journalists, and ignoring the rights of the people they are hired to protect. Make sure that these indivuals are not the ones who end up heading the investigation. Help us fight for justice and accountability in Kygyzstan.
Using satellite imaging technology, Amnesty has revealed that as many as 1600 structures were destroyed in the violence. It is estimated that upwards of 400,000 people have been displaced, with many families still living in makeshift structures-- afraid of returning to their homes where they may face renewed terror.
Amnesty's satelite photographs also located enormous SOS signs painted in the streets-- cries for help from the international community which were large enough to be seen from outer space, but were met with indifference here on Earth.